


Coyote Run Farm Borscht



1/2 - 1 lb. round steak

1 onion, chopped

6 c. water

3 T. beef bouillon

½ lb. orange and purple carrots, sliced

1 stalk celery, sliced

1/3 head of cabbage, sliced

1 lb. beets, sliced

½ lb. purple and white potatoes, sliced

1 c. tomatoes (red, purple or yellow) chopped fine

1 T. lemon juice

2 t. sugar

2 t. salt

1 t. pepper



Brown the steak in a skillet.  Cube steak. Lightly sauté onions in same skillet used for steak.  Put all other ingredients into a large pot.  Cook until all vegetables are tender, about 30 – 40 minutes.   Add beef and onions and cook on low heat until ready to serve.



Patriotic Potato Salad


2 ½  pounds of All Red, All Blue, and Bintje potatoes

1 medium white or yellow onion

1 medium red onion

½ teaspoon celery seed

1 t black pepper

1 t salt

6 hard boiled eggs

½ cup mayonnaise

½ cup salad dressing

Several sprigs of Italian flat leaf parsley to taste


Chop raw potatoes into bite sized pieces.  Steam until tender but no overdone (about 15 to 20 minutes, longer for potatoes that have been stored).  Chop onions and put them in bowl.  Stir in celery seed, black pepper, and salt.  Add hot potatoes on top of onions.  Let cool to room temperature.  Add chopped hard boiled eggs, mayonnaise, salad dressing, and parsley.  Refrigerate.  Best served 12 to 24 hours after prepared.